
Punjab Geographer

The ‘Punjab Geographer’ a peer-reviewed and referred journal is devoted to publishing of original research carried out in the discipline of Geography and allied subjects. Book reviews, geographical notes, articles and abstracts of doctoral dissertations and research projects sponsored by UGC, ICSSR or any other organization are also invited for publication.

The publication of the journal started in 2005 and it is published regularly once a year in the month of October. It is published by Institute for Spatial Planning and Environment Research, C-1, Amravati Enclave, Panchkula, Haryana. It is generally released during Annual Conference of the Association of Punjab Geographers. However, the papers are invited all the year round by the Editor.

The research paper submitted to the journal shall get reviewed by two referees. The list of referees shall be published in the concerned issue of the journal.

The journal levees no charges from the authors for processing and publication of research papers and articles.

Ethics Policy

The journal is committed to uphold the research integrity. It has a well defined policy whereby the author/authors have to certify that the research paper submitted by them for publication is his/her/their original work and neither the whole article nor any substantial portion of it has been submitted or published elsewhere. We do not accept any sort of plagiarized material for publication. The journal will use software to screen plagiarism.

Guidelines for the Contributors

The manuscript, typed in double space on the one side of A-4 size paper with reasonable margins on both sides should be submitted to the Editor. It should not exceed 10-12 printed pages or 6000 words. However, for good research this limit can be extended. An abstract explaining scope, objective, methodology and major findings of the study comprising 100-150 words should be given before the main text.

The initials and surname/s of the author/s along with postal address and E-mail Id of the corresponding author should be given in the covering letter and not on the first page of the manuscript. The covering letter should also carry an undertaking that the paper has neither been published nor it will be communicated elsewhere without informing the Editor. Author (s) should submit a soft copy of their manuscript to the Editor and if found according to the guidelines of the journal then they will be requested to submit two hard copies for the referees.

After the referee’s comments, the author (s) if asked for will submit a hard as well as a soft copy after duly incorporating the modifications/corrections suggested by the referees. The maps, figures and tables referred in the text should not be included in the text of the manuscript but should be prepared and attached separately. The folder containing the soft copy of the paper must have separate files for text and tables in MS Word file and maps/figs in jpg format (300 dpi). The authors must ensure clear print of the maps and figures as these are not to be redrawn by the Editor. Editor can withdraw the paper even from the press if reproduction of maps and figures is not found to be satisfactory.

Authors (s) alone are responsible for the views expressed in their papers and for obtaining permission for copyright material if used.

Soft copies of the reprints will be provided to the authors.

Fromat of Research Paper
Manuscript in general should be arranged in the following order:

  • Title (should be brief, clear and descriptive).
  • Abstract
  • Introduction (should include the review of literature and justification of the study)
  • Database and Methodology
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement(s) if any
  • References
  • Tables and Figures

Format of Refrences:
References cited in the text should have pp., follow under mentioned procedure and be arranged in alphabetical order. Full name of the periodicals should be used. Abbreviations are not acceptable.

Reference from a Journal
Folkoff, M.E. and Meentemeyer, V. 1987. Climate controls of the geography of clay minerals genesis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 77 (4): 635-650.

Reference from a Book
Hillel, D. 1980. Applications of Soil Physics. (4): 635-650.
Hansen, V.H., Israelsen, O.W. and Stringhham, G. 1980. Irrigation Principles and Practices. Wiley and Sons, New York: 417.

Reference from an Edited Book
Holster, H. 1978. Mathematical modelling of tidal flats: a few remarks. In Mathematical Modelling of Estuarine Physics, eds., Sundermann, J. and Holz, K.P., Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 173-177.
Beckinsal, R.P. 1969. River regimes. In Introduction to Physical Hydrology, ed., Chorley, R.D., Methuen and Co. Ltd., London: 176-192.

Reference from a Technical Report
National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO). 1994. Nutrition intake in India (2004-05). Govt. of India, New Delhi, Report No. 513:15.
Koster, R.D. and Suarez, M.J. 1996. Energy and water balance calculations in the Mosaic LSM. NASA Technical Memo, 104606: 76.

Reference from a Research Bulletin
Agarwal, M.C. and Khanna, S.S. 1983. Efficient soil and water management in Haryana. CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Research Bulletin, 45: 80-86.
Hema Malini, B. 1984. Water balance techniques and their applicability. Indian Geographical Studies, Geographical Research Centre, Patna, Research Bulletin, 22: 48-58.

Reference from Internet
Jacquemoud, S. and Ustin, S.L. 2008. Modeling leaf optical properties. Photobiological Sciences Online. Environmental Photobiology. http:// photobiology.info/Jacq_Ustin.html. Accessed on Nov. 12, 2012.

Reference from a Seminar/Symposia Presented Article
Bhardwaj, P.D. 2012. Declining sex ratio in India: a social concern. Presented at 13th APG National Conference, Govt. PG College, Karnal, Oct. 6-7, 2012, Abstract Book: 21

Reference from a Seminar/Symposia Edited Proceedings
Katam, M., Rama Rao, K.S., David Raju, B. and Shasikala, V. 2007. CO2 storage materials. In Proceedings of National Conference on Global Temperature Rise: An Indian Effort towards Mitigation of CO2 Emissions, ed., Sarma, N., Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India: 103-112.

Reference form a Ph.D. Thesis
Singh, J. 2010. State of urbanization in Punjab: a geographical analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geography, Punjabi University, Patiala, India: 81.

Reference from a Newspaper
Anonymous. 2013. Increasing sand mining: depleting groundwater. The Tribune, (12/12/2013).
Subash, N.S. 2002. Saga of sand mining. Deccan Herald Daily, (24/01/2002).

Corresponding Address
All correspondence concerning the Journal should be addressed to:

Dr. H.S.Mangat,
3037 Urban Estate, Phase-II, Patiala-147002 Punjab
Tel.: 0175-2286606, Mobile: +91 84279 47650
E-mail: editor@apgorg.org