Format of Refrences:
References cited in the text should have pp., follow under mentioned procedure and be arranged in alphabetical order. Full name of the periodicals should be used. Abbreviations are not acceptable.
Reference from a Journal
Folkoff, M.E. and Meentemeyer, V. 1987. Climate controls of the geography of clay minerals genesis. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 77 (4): 635-650.
Reference from a Book
Hillel, D. 1980. Applications of Soil Physics. (4): 635-650.
Hansen, V.H., Israelsen, O.W. and Stringhham, G. 1980. Irrigation Principles and Practices. Wiley and Sons, New York: 417.
Reference from an Edited Book
Holster, H. 1978. Mathematical modelling of tidal flats: a few remarks. In Mathematical Modelling of Estuarine Physics, eds., Sundermann, J. and Holz, K.P., Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 173-177.
Beckinsal, R.P. 1969. River regimes. In Introduction to Physical Hydrology, ed., Chorley, R.D., Methuen and Co. Ltd., London: 176-192.
Reference from a Technical Report
National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO). 1994. Nutrition intake in India (2004-05). Govt. of India, New Delhi, Report No. 513:15.
Koster, R.D. and Suarez, M.J. 1996. Energy and water balance calculations in the Mosaic LSM. NASA Technical Memo, 104606: 76.
Reference from a Research Bulletin
Agarwal, M.C. and Khanna, S.S. 1983. Efficient soil and water management in Haryana. CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Research Bulletin, 45: 80-86.
Hema Malini, B. 1984. Water balance techniques and their applicability. Indian Geographical Studies, Geographical Research Centre, Patna, Research Bulletin, 22: 48-58.
Reference from Internet
Jacquemoud, S. and Ustin, S.L. 2008. Modeling leaf optical properties. Photobiological Sciences Online. Environmental Photobiology. http:// Accessed on Nov. 12, 2012.
Reference from a Seminar/Symposia Presented Article
Bhardwaj, P.D. 2012. Declining sex ratio in India: a social concern. Presented at 13th APG National Conference, Govt. PG College, Karnal, Oct. 6-7, 2012, Abstract Book: 21
Reference from a Seminar/Symposia Edited Proceedings
Katam, M., Rama Rao, K.S., David Raju, B. and Shasikala, V. 2007. CO2 storage materials. In Proceedings of National Conference on Global Temperature Rise: An Indian Effort towards Mitigation of CO2 Emissions, ed., Sarma, N., Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India: 103-112.
Reference form a Ph.D. Thesis
Singh, J. 2010. State of urbanization in Punjab: a geographical analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Geography, Punjabi University, Patiala, India: 81.
Reference from a Newspaper
Anonymous. 2013. Increasing sand mining: depleting groundwater. The Tribune, (12/12/2013).
Subash, N.S. 2002. Saga of sand mining. Deccan Herald Daily, (24/01/2002).